Religious Institute of the
(Disciples of Mary)

The Beginning of Our Journey
The changing economic, political, social and technological landscape of the Philippines towards the end of the 20th century challenged the traditional values and spirituality of a predominantly Catholic nation. Greatly affected by this dramatic upheaval is the youth, the most vulnerable sector of Philippine society.
In the midst of these changes, a group of young men committed themselves to counter its negative effects on their fellow youth by providing an alternative lifestyle through organizations that propagate the Marian devotion. From a humble school project, these young men found themselves consecrating their lives to carry out this noble cause.
Thus on September 8, 1990, through the benevolence of the then Bishop-Prelate of Infanta, Bishop Julio Xavier Labayen, O.C.D. D.D., the Religious Community of Alagad ni Maria (Disciples of Mary), composed of nine committed young men, was established.
Our Animating Spirit
The animating spirit of the Religious Community of Alagad ni Maria is the spirit of the Blessed Virgin Mary who closely associated herself with her son, Jesus Christ, in the work of redemption. Inspired and motivated by this spirit, the community, as God's disciples, imitates her deep participation in the salvific mission of Christ, docility to the Holy Spirit, a life of prayer and penance, and the spirit of love and joy. They strive to bring Christ to the youth and the youth to Christ through the Blessed Virgin Mary as their model-disciple.
Our Vision
We envision a world redeemed where the youth stand at the foot of the Cross beside Mary, the model disciple and a valiant woman of the contemporary times.
Our Mission
We consider the youth as gems of God's Kingdom. It is in forming them after Mary, the faithful disciple, that we hope to enlighten the conscience of the people and eventually, to bring the world to stand with Mary at the foot of the Cross. In this endeavor, we believe in the special role of Mary, according to God's design, in obtaining the graces for the realization of God's Kingdom.